

http://www.poste.sm 查询电话:(576) 8 928132



    网上找到的资料显示圣马力诺的国际邮政编码为999145,但并未采用。 在实际操作中,从中国大陆邮寄到国外(包括圣马力诺)的国际邮件,只需要在信封上用中文写上是邮寄到圣马力诺的(还要附上详细城市、地址),可以不用填写圣马力诺邮政编码999145,也一样可以递送到圣马力诺,在本站向邮局的11185电话咨询中也证实向国外邮寄信件、物品不需要填写999145。 为了便于在圣马力诺内部的递送,需要用圣马力诺当地使用的语言来写清详细地址,最好填写上当地的圣马力诺邮编以便让圣马力诺的邮局分发、邮递员递送。 圣马力诺内部的邮政编码 圣马力诺采用了意大利的邮政编码系统,参看:意大利邮编。 邮编格式 圣马力诺的邮政编码由5位数字组成,例如: 47890 其中前4位数字固定为4789代表圣马力诺,后1位数字表示投递区域。 The origins of the Republic’s postal history are as far off as they are illustrious. It all began with a measure adopted by the Prince and Sovereign Council on the 7th of October 1607, which nominated a Postman whose duty was to go to Rimini to pick up incoming mail and leave any to be forwarded, in order to guarantee the population of San Marino contact with the outside world. San Marino was therefore the first state in the world to dream up and launch a public postal service with no aim of creating income for the coffers of the State. And so it was that in the winter of 1607-1608 the first Postman, a certain Giulio Franchini, began his yo- yoing between Pianello (the Piazza in front of the Palazzo Pubblico) and Rimini post station; initially once a week then twice and even more often, always on foot and in any weather!

(576) 8 928132