哥伦比亚共和国,在南美洲西北部,西濒太平洋,北临加勒比海,东同委内瑞拉,东南同巴西,南与秘鲁、厄瓜多尔,西北与巴拿马为邻。南美洲国家联盟成员。人口种族方面印欧混血种人占60%,白种人占20%,黑白混血种人占18%,其余为黑种人和印第安人等,人口年增长率1.79%。西班牙语为国语,多信天主教。首都圣菲波哥大。西部除沿海平原外,为西、中、东三条平行的科迪勒拉山脉构成的高原,山间有宽阔的各地,南部有一系列火山锥,西北部为马格达莱纳河下游冲积平原,水道纷歧,湖沼广布。哥伦比亚的经济受到国内需求减少、严峻的政府预算和苦难的安全局势的困扰。 4-72 is a member of the largest distribution network physics: Universal Postal Union - UPU, agency specialist headquartered in Bern, Switzerland. a organization with 5 million employees operating in 193 countries, which constitutes the main forum cooperation between postal sector actors that keeps a truly universal network modern products and services. National Postal Services SA is the official postal operator Colombia and therefore are the only service providers Mail Domestic and International Money Orders. We are the company which has been assigned the responsibility to ensure a universal postal service quality, competitive and universal. We offer a broad portfolio of products and services and courier expressed by the greater network coverage nationwide.